Our Mission
BBI is a partnership of individuals, Christian schools and churches in the USA who network with ministries and individuals in developing nations to serve God and minister to needs of people.
There are many ways to become more involved with Bridge Builders International. We are building a community of passionate people who are devoted to seeing children in developing nations have access to hope and opportunity for a brighter future.
We strive to keep our partners up-to-date with all the happenings at BBI. By signing up for bulletin you will receive a monthly update on various students, ministries, and ongoing projects.
We believe every person should go on at least one mission trip in their life. Through a simple mission trip God begins to transform your worldview that eventually impacts every area of your life. Come, learn, give, and be transformed.
Bridge Builders International would not be effective if it were not for our faithful partners who believe in the cause we’re working toward. If you want to help provide HOPE and OPPORTUNITY for children in developing nations, then please think about donating today!